Fungal Nails Laser

October is almost here and everyone is thinking about pumpkin spice, halloween and fall festivals.  Well, here at  Advanced Podiatry we are thinking about summer!  That's right, summer. 

For our patients with discolored fungal nails we always recommend beginning a laser treatment around this time of year.  About eight short months from now the weather will start to change and the beach days will be back.  So, now is the time to treat your nails.  Believe it or not, it takes about eight months for the new nails to grow in clear!  

Our laser is FDA cleared for the treatment of nail fungus.  It is safe, effective and painless.  We can perform it in the office the day of your initial visit.  If you suffer from nails fungus call us today.  We are here to help!  Remember, summer is just around the corner.  

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